Origin of Reservations !


Let me start by asking you a question, will you vote for a Hijra in the candidate for PM elections ? Just give it a thought and see what you get. Now whatever you had in your head which came up due to your upbringing, neighborhood, location, religious beliefs, ethical beliefs etc, is the realm of equality and non-equality, that lies in the basic instinct of your thinking. This post is primarily applicable to India, where I come from. We have a mountain of issues related to Reservations and Equality. I might take it to a extreme case, but that necessarily not mean the situation is doomed, it is just for the purpose of explanation and giving a clear picture.

So why do we need Reservations ? The answer to it lies in the thought of how did originally the reservations came up. I am taking up the case…

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A man speaks to his wife while she angrily looks away



You and your spouse/ partner  have just had an argument. ‘I don’t need to apologize,’ you tell yourself. ‘I’m not the one who started it!’

You drop the issue, but the tension lingers. You reconsider apologizing, but you cannot bring yourself to say those simple words “I’m sorry.”


Pride. “Sometimes it’s hard to say ‘I’m sorry’ because my ego gets in the way,” admits a husband named Charles. Inordinate pride can make you too embarrassed to acknowledge your share of the blame.

Viewpoint. You might feel that an apology is in order only if you are responsible for the problem. A wife named Jill says: “When I know I’m a hundred percent at fault, it’s easy to say ‘I’m sorry.’ But when we both said things we regret, it’s difficult. I mean, why should I apologize if both of us messed up?”


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 What is dating?

  • You regularly go out with a certain member of the opposite sex. Are you dating?
  • You and a member of the opposite sex are attracted to each other. Several times a day, you send text messages or talk to this person on the phone. Are you dating?

  • Every time you get together with your friends, you pair off with the same person of the opposite sex. Are you dating?

You most likely had no problem answering the first question. But you may have paused before responding to the second and the third. What exactly is dating?

Really, dating is any social activity in which your romantic interest is focused on one particular person and that person’s interest is focused on you.

So the…

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Teaching Naked, Part 1

Women don’t want respect … ‘Coz they deserve it..!! It’s their birth right not a gift …. kindly read on .. :

Tenure, She Wrote

I had my students fill out mid-semester evaluations last fall.  No big deal, just answer these four questions: 1) What am I doing to help you learn? 2) What could I be doing better to help you learn? 3) What are you doing to help yourself learn? and 4) What could you be doing better to help yourself learn?  I had them turn the evaluations in anonymously to allow more genuine feedback.mid-semester evaluations

Later that afternoon, I started going through the responses. It was encouraging to see that, in general, responses to the first two questions indicated I was getting better, which was gratifying given the amount of time and energy I spent re-developing the class. For the most part, students were surprisingly honest when responding to questions 3 and 4, showing they understood their responsibility in their progress, or lack thereof. Somewhere towards the end of the ~160 evaluations, I…

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